這些課程混合使用討論、視頻、小組作業和練習冊活動,旨在保持成年人的興趣和注意力。單擊此處查看日程安排或註冊。 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/casa-of-mesa-county-co-parenting-classes-tickets-41438927949
2- 溝通技巧:使用“我”信息來減少防禦性爭論,一次停留在一個話題上,並學習如何積極傾聽另一位家長的意見。
3- 解決衝突技巧:關注需求與立場,使用良好的溝通技巧,避免致命的話題等。
After the Storm 用於高衝突案例。它包括來自中間兒童的所有信息,還添加了衝突管理和平行育兒指南以及技能發展和詳細的練習練習,以幫助父母實施減少衝突的技能。
課程費用為每人 55 美元,包括所有材料。我們接受現金或信用卡/借記卡。要註冊或查看時間表,請單擊此處。 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/casa-of-mesa-county-co-parenting-classes-tickets-41438927949如有問題,請通過離婚@casamc.org或 683-5880 聯繫我們。
我們還根據聯邦貧困指南為低收入家庭提供浮動收費。如果您認為自己有資格獲得減免費用,請發送電子郵件至離婚@casamc.org或致電我們的辦公室 683-5880。
在每節課結束時,將向每位完成課程的參與者頒發結業證書。該證書的副本將提交給法院。為加快流程,我們將在完成後 24 小時內將證書副本通過電子郵件發送給法院,然後將簽名的硬拷貝直接分發給法院。
我們還為中間兒童(共同育兒班)和風暴過後(高衝突班)提供西班牙語課程。要註冊西班牙語課程,請發送電子郵件至離婚@casamc.org或致電 683-5880。
También ofrecemos clases de habla hispana tanto para niños en el medio (clase de crianza conjunta) como después de la tormenta (clase de conflicto alto)。 Para registrarse para una clase de español envíenos un correoelectricrónico a離婚@casamc.org o llame al 683-5880。
這些課程混合使用討論、視頻、小組作業和練習冊活動,旨在保持成年人的興趣和注意力。單擊此處查看日程安排或註冊。 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/casa-of-mesa-county-co-parenting-classes-tickets-41438927949
2- 溝通技巧:使用“我”信息來減少防禦性爭論,一次停留在一個話題上,並學習如何積極傾聽另一位家長的意見。
3- 解決衝突技巧:關注需求與立場,使用良好的溝通技巧,避免致命的話題等。
After the Storm 用於高衝突案例。它包括來自中間兒童的所有信息,還添加了衝突管理和平行育兒指南以及技能發展和詳細的實踐練習,以幫助父母實施減少衝突的技能。
課程費用為每人 55 美元,包括所有材料。我們接受現金或信用卡/借記卡。要註冊或查看時間表,請單擊此處。 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/casa-of-mesa-county-co-parenting-classes-tickets-41438927949如有問題,請通過離婚@casamc.org或 683-5880 聯繫我們。
我們還根據聯邦貧困指南為低收入家庭提供浮動收費。如果您認為自己有資格獲得減免費用,請發送電子郵件至離婚@casamc.org或致電我們的辦公室 683-5880。
在每節課結束時,將向每位完成課程的參與者頒發結業證書。該證書的副本將提交給法院。為加快流程,我們將在完成後 24 小時內將證書副本通過電子郵件發送給法院,然後將簽名的硬拷貝直接分發給法院。
我們還為中間兒童(共同育兒班)和風暴過後(高衝突班)提供西班牙語課程。要註冊西班牙語課程,請發送電子郵件至離婚@casamc.org或致電 683-5880。
También ofrecemos clases de habla hispana tanto para niños en el medio (clase de crianza conjunta) como después de la tormenta (clase de conflicto alto)。 Para registrarse para una clase de español envíenos un correoelectricrónico a離婚@casamc.org o llame al 683-5880。
Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED - Blended Learning
CPR Class Description
The Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. The classes are designed for students who need a certification that satisfies OSHA workplace and other regulatory requirements.
These classes are taught in a blended learning format and the online portion (accessed via desktop or tablet) must be completed prior to attending the Instructor-led skills session. The class date in which you are registering for will be your in-person instructor-led skills session, so please give yourself enough time to complete the online portion prior. Upon successful completion, a valid 2 year digital certificate is issued.
*Instructor-led session registration minimum: 3 students. If less than 3 students register for a session, that session will be cancelled and the student(s) will be rescheduled or receive a refund. Instructor-led session registration maximum: 12 students
Upcoming Events
- 1月14日周二US Bank - Basement2025年1月14日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年1月14日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 1月18日周六US Bank - Basement2025年1月18日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年1月18日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 2月11日周二US Bank - Basement2025年2月11日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年2月11日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 3月11日周二US Bank - Basement2025年3月11日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年3月11日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 4月08日周二US Bank - Basement2025年4月08日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年4月08日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 5月13日周二US Bank - Basement2025年5月13日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年5月13日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 6月10日周二US Bank - Basement2025年6月10日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年6月10日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 7月08日周二US Bank - Basement2025年7月08日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年7月08日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 8月12日周二US Bank - Basement2025年8月12日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年8月12日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 9月09日周二US Bank - Basement2025年9月09日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年9月09日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 10月14日周二US Bank - Basement2025年10月14日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年10月14日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 11月11日周二US Bank - Basement2025年11月11日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年11月11日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.
- 12月09日周二US Bank - Basement2025年12月09日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USA2025年12月09日 13:00 – 16:00US Bank - Basement, 422 White Ave, Grand Junction, CO 81501, USAThe Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED blended learning courses equip students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid breathing and cardiac emergencies involving adults/children/infants. Online + Classroom - Combines the flexibility of online training with instructor-led skills check.